Chen Zhiwei, Mayor of Xinyang City Went to Beijing for a Field Visit on Investment Promotion to Expand the Breadth and Depth of Cooperation and Advance the Implementation of Projects with Effect

From 13 to 14 March, Chen Zhiwei, Mayor of Xinyang led a team to Beijing to carry out a field visit on investment promotion. They visited Beijing Hongshan Information Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd., DigiLight Smart Sci-Tech Group Co., Ltd. and 360 Digital Security Group, to keep expanding the breadth and depth of cooperation, to promote the implementation of projects with effect, to accelerate the cultivation and formation of new quality productive forces, and to accumulate new driving forces for the high-quality development.

During the visit and seminars, Chen Zhiwei introduced enterprises to the industrial development positioning and location, transportation, human resources, and market development advantages of Xinyang City, had in-depth exchanges with Zhao Xianming, Chairman of the Board of Hongshan Technology, Wu Chuanyan, Chairman of the Board of DigiLight, and Zhou Hongyi, Chairman of the Board of 360 Group respectively, on the digital industry, computing center, new energy industry, green home, big data intelligence, government and enterprise security and other areas, and reached a consensus on cooperation.

Chen Zhiwei said, new energy, new materials, green and environment-friendliness, new generation of information technology and other strategic emerging industries are key to the realization of the innovation-led development, and the important media to accelerate the cultivation and formation of new quality productive forces. In recent years, Xinyang City has earnestly implemented the strategy of changing lanes to lead the development, promoted the innovation-driven development in depth, accelerated the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, continued to foster the development of emerging industries, and actively built a modern industrial system. Especially for the under-construction Southeast Henan High-Tech Zone, the leading industries focus on new energy, high-end equipment manufacturing, information technology, future industries, etc. with agglomerate policy elements and broad development prospects. The enterprises of the visit, as the industry technology leaders, fit Xinyang’s industrial layout well with strong correlation. It is sincerely hoped that the industry leaders give full play to the core advantages of technology and high-tech talent advantages, innovate ways of cooperation, and promote the implementation of more high-quality projects in Xinyang. The departments of Xinyang at all levels will continue to optimize the business environment, make every effort to strengthen the guarantee of factors, take the initiative in conducting tracking services well, and create good conditions for the high-quality implementation, construction and operation of cooperative projects.

The heads of the enterprises said, Xinyang's unique location advantages, good resource endowment and industrial base, and complete social credit system have further consolidated the confidence of enterprises to invest. To deepen the industrial cooperation with Xinyang is in line with the development layout of the enterprises. Next they will speed up the promotion of the implementation of projects in Xinyang to contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Xinyang.

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