Ekistics Technologies

Ekistics is a new interdisciplinary science that studies on various phenomena and laws of "human settlements and their places of activity". It takes architecture, urban and rural construction, and garden environment as the basic carrier, covering five levels: global, regional, urban, community, and architecture. As the technological application of human settlement science, human settlement technology has been comprehensively expanded to many fields, such as zero-carbon buildings, smart homes, future communities, smart cities, biological health, disaster prevention and mitigation, space remote sensing and so on after nearly ten years of rapid development. It has become an important supporting force to promote the high-quality development of cities and people’s lives. Human settlement technology industry has increasingly become an important growth point of the future economy.

To speed up the implementation of“two better”put forward by General Secretary Xi Jinping and “The Revitalization Development and Promotion of Henan old revolutionary base areas”; to achieve the goal of “Green Revitalization”put forward on the Sixth National Representative Conference of the CCP of Xinyang Municipality; and to comprehensively promote the planning and construction, investment attraction for“Future Ekistics-Tech City”and “Urban-Rural Future Community”in Xinyang; to Vigorously promote the industrial application and international cooperation of Ekistics-Tech, the first “International Ekistics-Tech and Urban-Rural Development Seminar” and the“International Resilient City Seminar”will be held during 6th -7th May, 2022. The two seminars are under theguidance of the China Association for science and technology and the International Council for science, the Xinyang Municipal People's government, the China Council for the promotion of international science and technology, and the Executive Committee of the world summit of young scientists.

As the pandemic spreading and the influence of urban water-logging,the General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward the expectation of“the old revolutionary base area should be built better, so that the people in the area could live a better life”. It highlights the urgency and importance of developing human settlement technology and building a resilient city.     

This Seminar is not only the first Ekistics-Tech industry theme seminar held in China, but also included in the important series of activities of the third "world young scientists summit". The seminar will focus on the future development direction of Ekistics-Tech industry and the innovative technologies and concepts of sustainable and resilient cities, advocate "developing Ekistics-Tech, promoting science and technology to benefit the people, and enhancing international cooperation", comprehensively promote the landing of China's first“Future Ekistics-Tech City" and the pilot construction of urban and rural future communities, and strive to provide scientific and technological support for the high-quality development and better life of urban and rural areas in China.