Strive to Enable People to Live in Better Houses 11th Collective Study Report Meeting of Xinyang Municipal Party Committee Theoretical Study Central Group (Expanded) in 2023 Was Held

On November 15, the 11th Collective Study Report Meeting of Xinyang Municipal Party Committee Theoretical Study Central Group (Expanded) in 2023 was held at the municipal administrative center, to deeply study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and comments on housing and urban-rural construction work, to deeply understand and grasp the spirit of the meeting of the Political Bureau of CPC Central Committee on July 24, with the goal of striving to enable people to live in better houses, and to carry out collective study on "vigorously developing the human settlement sci-tech industry of Xinyang and solidly carrying out the ‘four goods’ construction.

Party Secretary Cai Songtao, Mayor Chen Zhiwei and municipal officials including Sun Tongzhan, Lu Xien, Yang Jin, Qin Baojian, Li Jun, etc. attended the Report Meeting. Two experts - Liang Hao, Chief of the Green Building Division of the Center of Science & Technology and Industrialization Development (CSTID) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, and Li Xiang, Chief Consultant on the construction of Xinyang Future Human Settlement Science City, delivered special guidance reports respectively, with the topics of Report on CSTID “Good Houses” Serial Research and Practice and Old Area Xinyang: Promote the "Two Firsts", Build the "National Human Settlement Sci-Tech Industry Cluster Demonstration Zone", and Create the Innovation Demonstration City of the "Four Goods" Construction.

At the more than 3-hour report meeting, Liang Hao analyzed the current policy situation, shared the research results related to better housing and green low-carbon city, and put forward suggestions on the implementation of Human Settlement Science City, the upgrading of construction-related resource industries, the guarantee of science & technology and talents, etc. Li Xiang made a systematic presentation on the "better housing research" to everyone, so that participants had a more direct and profound understanding of the future "good house".

The meeting points out that it is necessary to form a new development pattern of "good city" with the mutual promotion and simultaneous advancement of the construction of "future urban areas, future communities and future rural areas" and the development of human settlement sci-tech industry, driven by urbanization and industrialization. It is necessary to build a new high ground with talent agglomeration, the return of credit business, youth entrepreneurship, and scientific and technological innovation.

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