Another Year Passes when Flowers in Spring Come to Fruition in Autumn, and a New Chapter of Progressing with Fortitude Goes on - A Chronicle of the Construction of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City in Xinyang City

The construction of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City is an important initiative to promote the high-quality development of the old area, a key move for Xinyang to build a regional central city and a national high ground for future human settlement science and technology innovation, and a bright road to a better future for Xinyang.

Over the past year, the phase work and tasks of the construction of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City has been fully completed.

Wanhua Formaldehyde-free Eco-industrial Park has been built, and efforts have been made to create a new model of green home industry. As the core project of Xinyang Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City, it took only 8 months to realize the completion and commissioning of the Industrial Park, achieving the signing of the contract in the same year, the commencement of the construction in the same year and the commissioning in the same year, refreshing the record of the domestic park construction of Wanhua Ecological Group, and completing the formaldehyde-free chipboard production base with the largest scale in China. In 2023, the first phase of the production line of the formaldehyde-free chipboard, and the second phase of the smart production line of veneer achieved mass production, filling the blank of the sheet industry in Xinyang. Academician workstations and industrial research institutes have been established in the Park, and the green home industry cluster development effect has initially formed.

The first phase of North Lake Jiangnan has been completed, and efforts have been made to create an ecological park with the integration of production, life and ecology. The first phase of the North Lake Jiangnan project was planned at the beginning of February 2023, and put into operation on April 23, 2023, during which Wanping Square, car park, gate scenic spot, car camping base, and lakefront beach were quickly built. Multiple large-scale activities during the Tea Culture Festival in 2023 were successfully held here. The project phase one attracted a daily average of nearly 30,000 people during the International Workers’ Day holiday, known as the "Maldives" of Xinyang by netizens, which quickly rushed to the top of the City's trending topics, became a new internet-famous place for a social media shot, and obtained the general praise of the public.

The North Lake Ring Road has been constructed, and efforts have been made to create a road of green innovation and harmonious development. The North Lake Ring Road is an important infrastructure construction project for the Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City. On the basis of the rapid completion of the roadbed, the full asphalt pavement, road markings, the de-risking and reinforcement works, and the supporting facilities including signage and signs, rubbish bins, traffic barriers, etc. have been completed for the North Lake Inner Ring Road which has become a route to connect the landscape spots, leisure facilities and ecological space of the North Lake ring area, and a fine place of recreation & leisure and sports & training for the public. As an important milestone component of the North Lake Inner Ring Road project, the North Lake Jiangnan No. 1 Bridge has been successfully completed and opened to traffic, marking the completion of the full line of the North Lake Inner Ring Road, laying a solid foundation for the development of the North Lake area. Besides, the North Lake Central Ring Road project has successfully completed the relevant land expropriation and relocation, roadbed construction, the paving of cement stabilized macadam and other works, and will be finished and opened to traffic soon.

The Xinyang Wisdom Island is under construction with high standard, and efforts have been made to create a new engine of innovative development. The Wisdom Island project is one of the core projects of the Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City. The Construction Task Force of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City promotes the construction of Wisdom Island step by step in accordance with the three zones of pilot core zone, empowerment development zone, and integrated expansion zone. At present, the first phase of the Wisdom Island project has been successfully completed and opened; Xinyang Qidi Science and Technology Service Co., Ltd., Xinyang Technology Exchange Market, and the relevant units have been stationed for operation. The next step will be to promote the maximization of the Wisdom Island’s functions including the "mass entrepreneurship and innovation" platform, etc., continue to make greater efforts to incubate and cultivate science and technology enterprises as well as transfer and commercialize scientific and technological achievements, focus on the further construction of the integration platform of "government, industry, university, research institute and end-user", and strive to turn the Wisdom Island into a high-end factor cluster space led by green home, electronic information, and digital economy.

The construction of the Furui Health Science and Innovation Centre of North Lake Science and Innovation Tribe has been started, and efforts have been made to build a headquarters economy. North Lake Science and Innovation Tribe is an important leader and core engine of the Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City. The land approval, forest approval, expropriation, demolition and relocation works, etc. in the area of North Lake Science and Innovation Tribe have been successfully completed, so as to achieve the smooth start of the construction of the Furui Health Science and Innovation Centre. Next, the Construction Task Force of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City will gradually turn the North Lake area into a cluster centre of human settlement science and technology innovation platform.

The construction of Xinyang Artificial Intelligence Computing Centre project has been promoted at full speed, and efforts have been made to build the base of digital economy in Xinyang. The Xinyang Artificial Intelligence Computing Centre project is a key new infrastructure project jointly built by the Xinyang Municipal Government and China Telecom Henan. The Centre being one of the key projects for the construction of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City, the Construction Task Force of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City work with relevant departments to provide services with priority throughout the entire process, and fully assist in the preliminary procedures and the coordination of relevant contradictions, ensuring the smooth commencement of the project construction.

The project of Xinyang North Lake Spring - Better Life Plaza has been promoted at full speed, and efforts have been made to create a new landmark of Xinyang. The Project is located to the west of the New Sixth Street, Yangshan New Area, Xinyang City, included in the central city key construction projects, with hotel, office, business, flat and other functions; the project phase one has signed with the international No. 1 commercial brand "Outlets" and been named "Shenzhouli - Impression Outlets City". Due to historical reasons, the Project has been stalled for many years. In 2023, the Project was included in the key service projects of the City's Construction Task Force of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City. After receiving the Project, the Task Force quickly carried out research; after all-out coordination and conflict resolution, mineral resources, expropriation, demolition and relocation, and other issues involved in the Project were resolved; the project is accelerating the construction on all fronts.

The year 2024 is the key year to achieve the goal of "14th Five-Year Plan". The Xinyang Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, and Construction Task Force of  Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City of Xinyang City will ensure that the construction of Future Human Settlement Science and Innovation City achieves the goal of "one year to lay the foundation, two years of big changes, three years of huge development, and five years of major leap" as soon as possible! (Xiao Bing)

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