Find Quality Life in Xinyang! Xinyang will create the first Future Living Science City in China and hire the first batch of chief government advisers

Henan Daily

03:40 19-12-2021 河南日报报业集团Henan Daily Group


On December 17, the reporter learned from the China (Xinyang) Seminar for Habitat Technology and Better Life that Xinyang City is making every effort to promote the construction of the first Future Living Science City in China. At the Seminar, letters of appointment were issued to the first batch of chief government advisers by the Xinyang Municipal Government.

Xinyang will build the first Future Living Science City in China

It is learned that under the guidance of the urban vision of Find Quality Life in Xinyang, during the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Xinyang will focus on more than a dozen key areas of the human settlement technology Industry, build nine clusters of the Industry, and comprehensively create an industry supporting platform for Find Quality Life in Xinyang; It will build 50 urban future communities and 100 rural future communities and create an integrated perception platform for Find Quality Life in Xinyang; The city will also create an international city for liveable communities, park city and healthy city through linkage to build a co-construction and sharing platform for Find Quality Life in Xinyang and make the human settlement technology industry the most solid guarantee for the Quality life for the people in Xinyang.

Cai Songtao, Mayor and Secretary of Xinyang Municipal Party Committee, said in his speech that the creation of Xinyang Future Living Science City is to explore new breakthroughs and new paths for the high-quality development of Xinyang City in the new era, and the living technology shall lead the direction for the transformation of all the industries in the city to build the Xinyang Future Living Science City with all the resources of the city.

Li Xiang, chief advisor for the Xinyang Future Living Science City and founder of Beijing Institute of Future Human Settlements, introduced the development plan of Xinyang Future Living Science City for the first time at the seminar and elaborated on how to apply the UNEP Guidelines for Sustainable Cities and Communities as well as the construction concept of creating a future human settlement demonstration area with Central Plains characteristics and international standards and the human settlement technology industry cluster area, wholly outlining the roadmap for the construction of the Future Living Science City in Xinyang from the aspects of agglomeration and development of the living technology industry, construction of urban and rural future communities, and multi-city co-creation of public participation.

Hiring the first batch of chief government advisers

The Xinyang Municipal Government will hire a group of top talents in urban construction, development and reform as advisers, so as to make the government decisions more forward-looking, scientific and accurate, make up for the shortage of high-end planning talents, enrich the government think tank and provide high-end intellectual services for the government to formulate strategic plans, implement major decisions, promote scientific and technological innovation and achievement transformation, and implement urban brand operation. 

At the event, the Xinyang Municipal Government invited Li Xiang, Executive Director of UNEP Sustainable Urban Development and Liveable Garden Community Programme(SUC Programme), Chairman of the Sustainable Urban and Community Development Institution of China International Association for Promotion of Science and Technology(SUC Institution), Member of the National Standardization Technical Committee for Urban Sustainable Development of the Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China, and Member of the China Green Building Council of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, General Manager of SUC Programme Management Center, as the Chief Adviser for the construction of Xinyang Future Living Science City. He also serves as Chief Consultant for the Quzhou Future Community Pilot Project and the compiler of the standards for the creation of the Quzhou Rural Future Community.

Mr. Xu Hanguo was invited as Chief Adviser for Xinyangs Green Financial Reform. He holds a Doctoral Degree in Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and serves as Director of the Evaluation Center of the National Science and Technology Association for Revitalizing the Urban Economy, Founding Partner and Chief Researcher of Beijing Guowei Yongyao Data Technology Co., Ltd., Xus main research directions include Urban and rural planning, digital economy, industrial development.

Liang Jun was invited as Chief Adviser for Innovative Culture in Xinyang City. He serves as President of the Rural Design and Research Institute of the LEED International Ecological Alliance, Executive Member of the Asia-Pacific Hotel Design Association, Deputy Director of the Design Special Committee of China National Architecture Research Association, Member of Urban Committee of China Real Estate Managers Federation, and Public Welfare Consultant of Beijing Rural Culture Protection and Development Volunteer Association. His main rural projects include Cherry Valley in Shiyan City,  Taoyuan Village in Guangshui City, Xin County Dream, Hero Dreamthe Pastoral Songyang Classical China of Songyang County in Zhejiang Province, and Mogou Village in Mengzhou, Jiaozuo City, Hanzao Village in Jinhua, Zhejiang ProvinceRongjiang County, Guizhou Province.

EditorLiu Hongbing



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