CSTID of MOHURD Conducted a Field Study and a Seminar in Xinyang SUC Institute Assists Xinyang in Achieving Many Innovative Results on Industrial Transformation and "Four Goods" Construction

On November 4-5, 2023, Liu Xinfeng, Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Center of Science & Technology and Industrialization Development (CSTID) of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD), Huang Haiqun, Member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of CSTID, Liang Hao, Chief of the Green Building Division, etc. went to Xinyang for a field study on the "Four Goods" construction and the development of human settlement science and technology industry and a seminar, accompanied by officials of the Municipal Government, Municipal Committee of CPPCC and Municipal Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau of Xinyang and Head of SUC Institute for the whole trip. Zhang Ying, Level II Bureau Rank Official of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Henan Province, Cai Songtao, Secretary of Xinyang Municipal Party Committee, Yang Jin, Secretary-General of Xinyang Municipal Party Committee, Yu Haizhong, Deputy Mayor of Xinyang, Liu Xuan, Vice Chairwoman of Xinyang Municipal Committee of CPPCC, Li Xiang, President of SUC Institute, and a team of SUC experts attended the Seminar for exchanges.



Liu Xinfeng and his entourage from CSTID of MOHURD visited Xinyang's "Future Human Settlement Science and Technology Exhibition Hall"


Visit to Wanhua Formaldehyde-free Eco-industrial Park

CSTID of MOHURD · Seminar on the "Four Goods" Construction & the Development of Human Settlement Science and Technology Industry of Xinyang City, Henan Province, November 5


CSTID of MOHURD praised the multiple achievements of Xinyang’s human settlement science and technology and "four goods" construction

On the 4th, the Delegation paid special attention to the field study of Xinyang Future Human Settlement Science and Technology Exhibition Hall, the first pilot project of future community in Henan Province - Yangshan Better Future Community, the first case of a rural resettlement area transformed into a rural future community in the country - Gugang Future Community, the first international rural future community pilot in Henan Province - Luoshan Hejiachong, and the first pilot project of China's Rural Future Community Standards - Pingqiao Haotang Village. All the above projects are planned and created by SUC Institute which is responsible for the whole-process consulting of project construction, and provide channels to showcase Xinyang's innovative practice in developing the human settlement science and technology industry and building urban and rural "future community". In addition to the above projects, the Delegation also went to Xinyang Wanhua Eco-industrial Park, Shangtianti Administration, Hangxiao Steel Structure, Xiaomi Human Settlement Empowerment Centre, Rural Construction Expo Park, Xinyang Urban Living Room, CAZ Central Activities Zone, North Lake Future Human Settlement New Sci-Tech Innovation City, etc. for field visits. During the two-day visit, the officials of CSTID of MOHURD asked detailed questions about the path programme on strategic issues and project innovations from time to time, and the SUC team answered them accordingly. Director Liu Xinfeng believed that "Xinyang has achieved very good results in developing the human settlement science and technology industry and promoting industrial transformation, as well as many innovative results in the field of building 'good house, good residential community, good community, and good urban area'. Xinyang has made in-depth and practical progress, and is even in the forefront of the cities nationwide in many aspects".





Visit to Yangshan Better Future Community and CAZ Central Activities Zone 

Visit to Xinyang Rural Construction Expo Park


Haotang Rural Future Community and community view picture



Hejiahcong Rural Future Community and community view picture


Visit to Shangtianti Administration


Visit to Xiaomi Smart Human Settlement Ecological Experience Hall


After Xinyang Municipal Government officially hired SUC Institute as the whole-process consulting organization for the construction of Future Human Settlement Science City and urban and rural future communities in Xinyang City in 2021, it has put forward the new path of urban transformation and development of "vigorously developing the human settlement science and technology industry, accelerating the promotion of urban and rural future community pilots, and jointly building the Future Human Settlement Science City", and then solidly promoted this throughout the City.


In the second half of 2022, MOHURD put forward the new concept of urban construction of "firmly grasping the base point of ‘comfortable housing’ for people, with the fundamental goal of enabling people to live in better houses, from good houses to good residential communities, from good residential communities to good communities, from good communities to good urban areas, so as to plan, build and manage the city well". Xinyang's urban transformation and development path coincides with MOHURD's "four goods" construction concept.


Over the past two years, in the absence of any national policy and financial support, a number of famous enterprises and scientific research institutions in the field of human settlement science and technology have settled in Xinyang; a number of urban and rural "good house" models and whole-scene display platforms have been built, and a complete industry chain system for the construction of "good house" has been successfully established; a number of "good residential community and community" models have been built; a number of innovative examples of "good urban area" construction have been planned and built. Xinyang has become a typical city that takes the lead in planning and firmly promotes the construction of "four goods" in the old revolutionary areas and central region of the country.


Seminar for exchanges on the "four goods" construction; the coupling co-construction pattern of the Ministry, Province and City took shape

At the CSTID of MOHURD · Seminar on the "Four Goods" Construction & the Development of Human Settlement Science and Technology Industry of Xinyang City, Henan Province on November 5, the relevant departments of Xinyang City and SUC Institute overall reported on the relevant information and research results of the green home furnishings industry as well as the vigorous development of the human settlement science and technology industry, the solid implementation of the "four goods" construction, the innovative promotion of new models of the real estate industry transformation and development, etc. of Xinyang City.



Liu Xinfeng, Party Secretary and Director of CSTID of MOHURD spoke at the Seminar


Liu Xinfeng said after listening to the report, Xinyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government implemented the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee in depth and thoroughly and also achieved two "national firsts" in developing the human settlement science and technology industry and building "four goods": that is, the first city to put forward and focus on the development of the human settlement science and technology industry, and the first city to systematically promote the "four goods" construction from good house to good residential community, good community, and good urban area of the country. He said, with the urban and rural "good house" construction, better future community, rural future community, etc. as the media for the "four goods" construction, Xinyang City has adhered to pilot first, and fanning out from point to area, and the relevant work has been in the the forefront of the entire province and the entire country. It is hoped that Xinyang sums up seriously, forms good experience that can be replicated and promoted in the country as soon as possible, while continuing to promote the extension, improvement and strengthening of industrial chain, and strengthens the construction of professional and technical personnel. CSTID of MOHURD will continue to assist Xinyang in the human settlement science and technology industry development and the "four goods" construction.



Zhang Ying, Level II Bureau Rank Official of the Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of Henan Province spoke at the Seminar


Zhang Ying pointed out that by creating a number of urban and rural "good house" models and the whole-scene display platforms, and launching a number of innovative examples of "good residential community, good community, and good urban area" construction, Xinyang formed a complete industrial chain system for "good house" construction, based on the acceleration of the promotion of the "two betters" demonstration zone, and the construction of better life destination, and accumulated valuable experience for the provincial and national "four goods" construction. She said that the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development would, as always, support the development of Xinyang’s human settlement science and technology industry, and fully support Xinyang in the creation of a national "Demonstration Zone for Human Settlement Science and Technology Industry Cluster" and a "four goods" construction innovation demonstration zone.



Warm atmosphere of the Seminar


Cai Songtao said, Xinyang’s future human settlement science and technology development and the serial research results of industrial cooperation have matured, and Xinyang hoped to further strengthen cooperation with CSTID of MOHURD, and promote it with priority to quickly present research results. Xinyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government will fully support and provide guarantee, promote the agglomeration development of the human settlement science and technology industry in the old area Xinyang on all fronts, and strive to become a demonstration zone for human settlement science and technology industry cluster and a "four goods" construction innovation demonstration city of MOHURD as soon as possible.



Li Xiang, President of SUC Institute spoke and reported at the Seminar


Li Xiang, Chief Consultant on the construction of Xinyang Future Human Settlement Science City & President of China SUC Institute - Sustainable Urban and Community Development Institute (SUC Institute), introduced in detail the relevant plans of the development of human settlement science and technology industry and innovative models and mechanisms of the future community pilot in the field of "good house, good residential community, and good community" construction in Xinyang City to the officials from MOHURD, the Provincial Department of Housing and Urban-Rural Development and participating parties.


Li Xiang firstly introduced the relevant strategies and paths to promote the twinning development between the old area Xinyang and Suzhou of Jiangsu Province, to create the "Su Xin Human Settlement Sci-Tech Industry Cooperation Platform", and to assist Xinyang in building the Yangtze River Delta Industry Coordinated Innovation Zone. Subsequently, Li Xiang focused on the introduction of innovative exploration of better future community in creating "good house, good residential community, and good community". With regard to the creation of new model for the real estate industry transformation and development, better future community is the first in the country to implement the new mechanism of "land sale with plan, whole-process consulting of the project, separation of investment and development, integration of management and operation, targeted rental and sale, and tax determined by mu", and the new mode of "land acquisition by platform, construction by real estate enterprise, green finance, and house ticket as cash", create new standards and benchmarks for the construction of "good house and good residential community", build a "four-highs-type" model for the construction of "good community", and promote the transformation of urban construction from the development type to the "operation type", and the transformation of real estate development from building houses to "building communities and creating life".



Liang Hao, Chief of the Green Building Division of CSTID of MOHURD spoke at the Seminar


At the Seminar, Liang Hao, Chief of the Green Building Division of CSTID of MOHURD made a keynote speech on the related indicators and innovations of Xinyang City’s "good house" standards, the green building industry development planning of Yangshan New Area, the low-carbon demonstration construction of Shangtianti Administration, the foundation of ”Zhongyuan Human Settlement Science and Technology Industry Academy”, the pioneering implementation of the "Transition Finance" pilot of the construction and building materials industry, and the pilot on building a green and low-carbon city of Xinyang, etc.


MOHURD spoke highly of Xinyang's future human settlement innovative practices and achievements



Cai Songtao, Secretary of Xinyang Municipal Party Committee spoke at the theme forum of 2023 World Cities Day


From October 2022 to October 2023, Xinyang Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government were invited by MOHURD three times to promote and introduce Xinyang's innovative practices and relevant achievements on the development of the human settlement science and technology industry and the solid advancement of the "four goods" construction at the global and China observances of “World Cities Day” and “China International Exposition of Housing Industry” at home and abroad, which was highly recognized by MOHURD and relevant ministries and commissions with wide attention from all walks of life.

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